Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, ágúst 29, 2006

Hello, my darling.
I'm leaving for Brussels tomorrow, early. So feel free to call me into the wee hours and tell me how much you will miss me.
Will be back by Sunday, though.
So don't panic if you don't.
I will try to be cultural in Brussels. Hard not to. Going to a conference and a symposium titled Solidarité culturelle et identité artistique.
In French. Yup. I'm quite lookin forward to this, feel very mature and grown up.
Which is about time. I'm turning 30 soon. Well. Soonish.

I dare you to answer this... just to pass the time... But I warn you, it's reaaally hard not to explain some of these questions. So I did. What are you gonna do, shoot me?
1.You can only say YES or NO!
2.You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!

Taken a picture completely naked? No
(well, I've TAKEN pictures naked, but not OF me naked, that would just scare the people)
Made out with someone on your top 8? Yup
Danced in front of your mirror naked? ...yeees
Told a lie? mhmm
Ever had a one night stand? well, yeees...
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Yes
Been arrested? No
Made out with someone of the same sex? Yes
Seen someone die? No
Slept in until 5pm? Yes (blush)
Had sex at work? No, actually... hmmm...
Fallen asleep at work/school? YES
Held a snake? No
Ran a red light? Yes
Been suspended from school? No
Totaled your car in an accident? Nope
Pole danced? Nope
(but I've filmed others do it)
Been fired from a job? No
(who would fire me, that's like being mean to a Care-bear)
(no, it isn't, actually)
Sang karaoke? Yes
Done something/one you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Kissed in the rain? Yes
(this is getting cornier by the line)
Sang in the shower? Yes
Gave your private parts a nickname? No
Ever gone to school/work without underwear? Yes
Sat on a roof top? Yes
Played chicken? Yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes
Broken a bone? Nope
Mooned/flashed someone? No
Shaved your head? No
Slept naked? Yes
Played a prank on someone? Yes
Had a gym membership? Yes
(whooee, talk about in dept here...)
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? No
(t that I'm aware of... :S God, I'm pathetic...)
Cried over someone you were in love with? YES indeed
Had sex more than 10 times in one day? No...
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No
Been in a band? Yes
Subscribed to Maxim? No
Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol? Yes
Shot a gun? No
Shot a bow and arrow? No
Played strip poker? Nope
Tripped on mushrooms? No
Donated Blood? No
Video taped yourself having sex? No
Eaten alligator meat? No
Ever jump out of an airplane? No
Have you been to more than 10 countries? Yes

þriðjudagur, ágúst 22, 2006

Snakes on a plane. Are you kidding me? Who came up with that name? And who came up with the concept? 'Cause it doesn't scare me one bit. It's a dumb idea. Snakes on a plane.

mánudagur, ágúst 21, 2006

Three times' the charm, they say. This is, however, not why I posted the last blog three times. Sheer ineptness is the reason for that.
There are a lot of common day mysteries, mysteries we have gotten so used to we hardly ever think about them anymore. Like what happenned to the other sock? One that has been bugging me of late is where do all the hair-pins go. Most girls I know buy a packet of 50 or so pins, which all will have disappeared after about two months. Where do they go? I must buy around 200 per year... put together over the last 12 years that is 2400 pins. Where ARE they?
I have a theory. When you go to bed with a hairpin some strange bed-sleep-body chemistry causes it to assimilate into your body. Perhaps to strenthen the spine. I don't know. But it's in there somewhere. 'Cause it sure isn't anywhere else. When (or if) I give birth it will be of a hair-pin baby. It will have a lot of trouble passing through security but its hair will be in place.

föstudagur, ágúst 18, 2006

Well. Life can be exceedingly unfair. It's not enough that I'm impossible with faces, I'm impossible with names too. So, what I do is just try and look friendly at people I might possibly know, juuust enough so I won't offend if I don't remember my second best friend or so.

Last weekend I went to a fare-well party at Barinn and in walks this guy, he kindof smiles at me so I give him a big sunny smile, deciding that he's a guy I know from the UK. He comes over and I go "heeey, you remember my friend Sólrún, don't you?" pointing at her. She smiles awkwardly. He smiles congenially and says "hey, sure, this is my girlfriend xxxxx" we kindof nod awkwardly (and by this time I had figured out it couldn't be the guy who I thought it was, since he knew both me and Sólrún quite well).
This morning I'm getting dressed, turn on the tv to some music videos... and voila. I realised why I thought the guy so familiar. He's in a band. That has a video running on tv.
Poor guy must be as clueless as I. But, hey, at least we're NICE.

mánudagur, ágúst 14, 2006

I rrreally want to go to the Sufjan Stevens concert. HOWEVER... I'm not sure I'm quite ready to pay almost 6000 kr. for the ticket. I think it's a ripoff. And a fat mistake, since I'm guessing most Sufjan fans aren't wealthy stockbrokers but more in the poor artist genre... It's not that I couldn't possibly afford it, it's the princip of the thing, you know? Like I bought a Check-Budweiser in a bottle at Barinn on Saturday --- and paid 850 kr. for it. 850! For comparison, the same beer costs 500 kr. at Sirkus (the bar across the street), and is 50 kr. cheaper than beer on tab there.
On these moments, you just know you're being fucked over.
And I think it's a big problem in Iceland, how lazy the consumers are. We never DO anything, except maybe moan (and, see, blog...)

miðvikudagur, ágúst 09, 2006

Well, well, well... back to work after Verslunarmannahelgin. Wasn't quite as calm as I had predicted, went out Friday and Saturday and went camping on Sunday. I went to Apavatn with my sister Arnar and Fríða and Kiddý and Sveinbjorg and a whole bunch of other people. We camped next to Baldur's grandparent's summerhouse, which was absoloutely beautiful. Sat on the beach around a campfire till five in the morning. And it was soooo cold... three degrees at its worst! We were so desperate for warmth that when the fire started cooling we actually poored Chinese alcohol (52%) on it... heee heee... And we had a guitar and sang until sore in the throat. Very nice. (Why do people say I sing like a country singer?) We also played soccer, I was a goalie and discovered some hidden talents. Considering I got kicked out of a girls team as a goaly when I was 9 (you have to be pretty bad for that), I call it a redemption beyond all. Yessiree...

föstudagur, ágúst 04, 2006

There are few things more dreadful than when some obnoxious little tune manages to squeeze its way into your cranium and stay there for days on end.
The worst thing is you never get your favourite song stuck there, or even something you can tolerate. Nope, it's Bony M... or Eruo-pop-trash something or other. Sometimes it's only one line - like now I have "on the road again" stuck in there. Just that line. Not the rest of the song, juuuuust on the road again... which pops up every twenty seconds.
Aaaanyway... verslunarmannahelgin... the biggest party-weekend in Iceland. A three day camping fest (that usually gets drowned in rain)... where underaged kids get drunk on moonshine. Where only ten or so rapes per festival is considered good... hey, that's less than last year! Oooh, yeah. Guess who's NOT going camping...
Although camping can be fun, and lots of people can be fun, you see. I don't know, it just gets so hyped up. It's kindof like New Years Eve. You get the dress, you do the fireworks and the hair and you expect the biggest party of the year and you raise your expectations so high it's just doomed to come crashing down.
That's why I try not to do anything (except the family thing) on New Year's and for this weekend, it's just best to stay at home. With a bunch of books and dvds. Aaaand a couple of sixpacks of beer in case you change your mind.

miðvikudagur, ágúst 02, 2006

I have become a hermit. My extreme need for nesting has turned into a freakish need to never leave my flat. I love it. I've finished off 6 books in the last week. In peace and quiet.
I love hardly ever leaving my flat - I just get visitors every now and then, and I'm perfectly happy.
I might be exaggerating a bit. I did go out a whole lot last weekend. And I do go to work.
But work in a nice summerday in Iceland is practically impossible. There are just so few of them, it's a sin to waste them.
So I take off a bit early, will work it off later. Do you have any plans for next weekend? Please post them... I will most likely be in Reykjavik, except for one night I'll spend at Apavatn (Monkeylake, hahaha! No - Lake Monkey!) with some friends. I think Apastelpa and Apastrákur will be there, along with their human counterparts. Maybe I should throw a party for Friday/Sunday? (again: that way I don't have to leave my flat... muwahahaha) Anyway. I'm being excessively boring, so I'll stop writing now. Hugs and kisses...