There are few things more dreadful than when some obnoxious little tune manages to squeeze its way into your cranium and stay there for days on end.
The worst thing is you never get your favourite song stuck there, or even something you can tolerate. Nope, it's Bony M... or Eruo-pop-trash something or other. Sometimes it's only one line - like now I have "on the road again" stuck in there. Just that line. Not the rest of the song, juuuuust on the road again... which pops up every twenty seconds.
Aaaanyway... verslunarmannahelgin... the biggest party-weekend in Iceland. A three day camping fest (that usually gets drowned in rain)... where underaged kids get drunk on moonshine. Where only ten or so rapes per festival is considered good... hey, that's less than last year! Oooh, yeah. Guess who's NOT going camping...
Although camping can be fun, and lots of people can be fun, you see. I don't know, it just gets so hyped up. It's kindof like New Years Eve. You get the dress, you do the fireworks and the hair and you expect the biggest party of the year and you raise your expectations so high it's just doomed to come crashing down.
That's why I try not to do anything (except the family thing) on New Year's and for this weekend, it's just best to stay at home. With a bunch of books and dvds. Aaaand a couple of sixpacks of beer in case you change your mind.
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