Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, júlí 25, 2006

I had the strangest dream this morning. I was dreaming it from 5 in the morning till 9 (I kept waking up long enough to look at the clock/press snooze). I dreamt that I went back in time, about ten years. At first I was kindof telling my younger self about life, how I was going to go be an exchange student and how I shouldn't panic about my first year in college (MR), things would all work out and that after I got back as an exchange student I would be in a better class...

then I actually WAS me, ten years ago... i.e. I was my present self in previous self's body and circumstances. That was kindof cool, since I didn't have my present poise and confidence at sixteen -if you can call it that - whatever it is I have slightly now, I didn't have remotely then... by FAR... I remember going on a trip when I was sixteen and being totally utterly dumbfounded that this guy I thought was kindof cool actually talked to me and seemed to want to talk to me. Stunned cannot describe it. Kept expecting a Carrie thing to happen, except me without any superpowers, and let's face it - quite benign at that. So basically, pigs blood. Have I ever mentioned that I didn't achieve any social skills until the age of 18?

Then I was kindof pissed I didn't remember any lottery numbers and was trying to find something I could bet on with my beforehand knowledge... heehee... didn't work. Then I thought - hey, why not flirt with some guys that I had a crush on then but would never ever have had the nerve to even talk to... or on some ex boyfriend that wasn't even on my radar then... see, that way I sortof knew him already, and knew he'd be slightly attracted to me at one point or another... so I could be really bold and brazen without having the risk of a crash and burn - see? Then I'd bolster my 16 year old confidence through my 28 year old self... I didn't do it though, just thought about it. (Which - in a dream - is pretty much the same thing...)

Point is, the dream was freakishly real, the clothes, people and circumstances... I was even worrying about my math course. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to go through college again, but without the dumb insecurities that plague the common teenager? Although, I guess I might get kindof bored. I might sleep even more during my classes than I actually did in College. Although I'm not quite sure that is possible. I had a sweater-mark on my forhead for four straight years. Only waking to get me some coffee during breaks. Good times.

Then I hiked up a mountain trailing a bycicle and went down snowboarding. Don't ask me how that got mixed up in the rest. But I was quite good at snowboarding. Did this amazing jump that generated quite the applause. (I've never been snowboarding in my life)

Anyway, why am I blabbering on like this? Guess what - I'm back at work, and things aren't quite full on at the office yet... hey, I'm on a coffee break, you try having a coffee break with no people and no coffee. (this has now actually stopped being a blog, but a testimony of me talking to my invisible friends)(although... what is a blog but...)

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