Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

föstudagur, maí 19, 2006

Hallelúja, helgarfrí! OG mér var SAGT að fara snemma heim úr vinnunni, ég væri búin að vinna svo mikið undanfarið. Jibbí! Ekkert samviskubit!
Oupsy, I forgot I blog in English. Well, you didn't miss out on much. This week has been crazy, with three performances of We are all Marlene Dietrich FOR and me in training with Ólöf for prepping the show. A lot of fun, too, mind you. There is nothing like the magic of theatre, eh? Eh? Anywhoo... also went to TWO fantastic concerts this week: Coco Rosie at Nasa, which was awesome, and Joanna Newsom at Fríkirkjan (the free church!!) which was mind blowing.
I don't know about them warming-up acts, though. The guy who played before Coco Rosie I couldn't hear at all, he was a soft-singing kind of guy and everyone was talking... so...
At the Joanna Newsom concert Slow BLow opened. Slow Blow was actually quite good but the guy, SMOG, who came after them... I was just about ready to strangle him! He played on and on and on... and every song waas exactly the same... I wanted to untie my shoelaces, make a lasso, haul him out of there and string him up.
So... now it's Friday, I'm off early... plan on taking a dip in Vesturbæjarlaugin and buy some beer and have a regular cookout on my barbeque. No. I don't have a bar-b-q. Of my own. So maybe just the beer. And the dip.
Have a wonderful weekend, my darling...

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