Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

sunnudagur, apríl 09, 2006

My sister is still pregnant, this is just getting silly! I keep expecting phone-calls that she's giving birth but nono... that kid just wants to stay in there. 6 days overdue. I think there should be a fine, like at the library. Maybe at confirmation, when the kid comes into some money, she/he could pay back 5000 kr. for each day overdue... how's that?
Or, maybe, the kid changed it's mind, decided to shrink back to it's original duo... how would it return those, though? De-sex?
Boy, if that were possible. Imagine that.

Aside from birthing-anxiety by proxy, I'm just dandy. Feeling like I want to jump into something freakishly exciting, you know? When you're kindof buzzing, waiting for something fun to come along. While I know this might not HAPPEN... It's still a nice feeling to have. Give it a couple of hours, and it'll pass (or give way to video)...
Love you darling, hugs and kisses.

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