Pet peeve, got one for ya: When American films are supposed to take place in other countries, why do all the actors speak with an accent? Like in Imagining Argentina, for example, where everybody is supposedly speaking in Spanish -which is really English... but with a Spanish accent. If they were really speaking in their own language, they wouldn't really have a phony accent, now would they? I mean, if you can't just film the whole thing in Spanish, try filming it in proper English, instead of this weird mixture. Hrumph.
So. Last weekend we premiered the Choreographic Workshop of Vala and Aðalheiður and had a party afterwards - also to say goodbye to Jesús, who has now left the country :.(
Drank a bit much, but not tooooo much (drastically. Just enough to make me wince when I looked at some of the nonsensical textmessages I sent. I sometimes get so trapped in very convoluted mindpuzzzles when I drink, that when I try to convey what I'm thinking it sounds a bit jibberjabbish like. So. Don't read text messages from me from 00:00 - 06:00 on Saturdays and 00:00 - 6:00 on Sundays with any modicum of sanity.
Ooo, threw out my back. Guess that means I have to start moving my ass again. Dammit.
So. Last weekend we premiered the Choreographic Workshop of Vala and Aðalheiður and had a party afterwards - also to say goodbye to Jesús, who has now left the country :.(
Drank a bit much, but not tooooo much (drastically. Just enough to make me wince when I looked at some of the nonsensical textmessages I sent. I sometimes get so trapped in very convoluted mindpuzzzles when I drink, that when I try to convey what I'm thinking it sounds a bit jibberjabbish like. So. Don't read text messages from me from 00:00 - 06:00 on Saturdays and 00:00 - 6:00 on Sundays with any modicum of sanity.
Ooo, threw out my back. Guess that means I have to start moving my ass again. Dammit.
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