Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

föstudagur, júní 02, 2006

Hello my darlings. I have to find something spectacular to say to top last post's comment numbers... :) Thank you all, I feel so loved and appreciated!!
But, unfortunately I don't have much to say. Except for Renault.
I hate that new car with the big behind. It is as ugly as sin. If I were a designer at Renault I would... well, first of all never admit to it... but I would deffinitely wear a bag of shame over my head of some sort. And what offends me even MORE than that car (and it's predecessor, the Renault that looked like a bee, but an ugly one... the one with the big "house", ya know??) is their ADVERTISEMENT.
Seeing that the car has a big behind, the advertising people apparently thought that, well, if the car won't sell on it's look, we'll just put a lot of BUTTS in the ads. 98% of which will be the shaking behinds of shapely women with (let's face it)porn-star curves, but we'll put one in of a fat woman and one of a guy doing manly stuff, let's say bicycling, to satisfy "fat, ugly feminists" who object to the blatant exploitation of women. urrrg!
I'm sorry, Renault, if you're reading this. I don't know which is more offensive to me, the ugly car or the cheep exploitation of women to sell ugly cars. Probably the latter. But I do hate that car.

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