Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, júní 20, 2006

Now is certainly a time to celebrate. Not only did my second niece finally get a name (finally, haha, she's 2 months old...)... her name is Svanhildur, which is very pretty indeed. BUT also my sister and her boyfriend finally got hitched. They did it at the same time as the christening and the marriage was a surpirse for most people there :) So, christenings and marriages, my family is hopping! (Hopping? Am I insane?)(Yes, I am)
Did I mention that I will be moving out in July? I know I mentioned moving, but originally I was meant to move out in August... I'm now looking for volunteers to help me paint. :D I'm also on the hunt for tiny furniture (for my tiny flat). So, now I need a tiny living room table, tiny chairs and perhaps a tiny sofa. I will look a bit like Gulliver in my flat... not being tiny myself and all...
I need a closet too and a washing machine, but otherwise I think I'm pretty good. Oo! A toaster! Can't move house without a toaster. (When did my blog turn into my to-do list?) Hugs. And. Kisses. To. You. Darling.

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