Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

miðvikudagur, janúar 25, 2006

Wow, my English sure is deteriorating. Just look at that last post. If I were an English teacher, I'd have to flunk me. Although I never flunked an English course in my life. That would just be silly, after having grown up watching cartoons in English. I can still sing the theme song from Fat Albert (word for word) and Jem. Bits from My little Pony and Thundercats as well. Lady Lovelylocks. He-Man and She-Ra hum in my head (no lyrics there, was there?). (Haha, I first wrote "hum in my heads" but that would just make me twoheaded and weird. Kindof Zaphoidish, you know?)

Gosh 'n Golly! You know what I did! I bought the whole 7 Buffy series on dvd... yummie! To buy it through Amazon, it cost as much as one series in Iceland, so I figured... 7 for the price of 1... an offer I cannot refuse!

Next month I'll buy Angel. I also figure that this will save me a gazillion in gas and video-rental costs...

Ciao, bella, I love you!

mánudagur, janúar 23, 2006

Another weekend passed... and I didn't even go skiing! Like I ever do. Anywhoo. I bought skiing pants, the other day. I guess I told you. Aaaand I guess that doesn't quite amount to actually GOING skiing either...

Well... I went to a karaeoke bar on Friday (Ölver!!) with a whole bunch of (extremely) drunk law-students... it was quite interesting... hee hee... Valla was there so that's why I went... there I met some more friends (non-lawstudentsy friends) and so... after the drunken law-students had left we did a few numbers ourselves... me and Alfdis did These boots are made for walkin'... very cool. I think Birgitta Haukdal was impressed. Or not. No, really, she was there!

So... then I went to a Jeff Who concert at Gaukurinn with Dísa.. aaaand on Friday I went out with Gunna to Kaffibarinn... met up with Lady Ann and Coco and Burns and stuff. I had a blast.

So that's why I didn't go skiing!

I saw the new Pride and Prejudice movie yesterday... must say it won't be classified as a favourite version.
Mr. Bingley was interpreted as an incompetent buffoon and Mr. Darcy just didn't have the charisma and Oomph to pull it off. Knightly is also far to pretty to be convincing as Elizabeth Bennet. And how come Mr. and Mrs. Bennet could all of a sudden tolerate each other?
And the screenplay was just sortof... oh, well... just... just... why change the lines to the worse? All in all I was disappointed. Oh, well.
I think BBC should have exclusive rights to making filmic versions of Austen's novels.

miðvikudagur, janúar 18, 2006

My job is quirky.
The speaker system just belted out:

Matthísar-ræningjar, Mattíhasar-ræningjar, allir Matthíasar-ræningjar komi á svið.

(All of Matthew's bandits to come on stage)

As in Ronja Ræningjadóttir... get it?
Ok, so one of my favourite books as a child was Ronja (by Astrid Lindgren...) and we're staging the play now.
I still find it funny!
Maybe it's lack of oxygen?

þriðjudagur, janúar 17, 2006

I'm pathetic. No, really. Oh, well. I'm not gonna tell you why. It would just make me more pathetic, ok? Anyway... Tuesday night... Sex and the City on Skjár Einn...
Anyway... I went to see Brokeback mountain with Lóa and Burnsy and let me just tell you. Ohh. No, I can't say it without turning into a complete mush. Mush! It was so beautiful. Just, see it! Hopefully not surrounded by ignorant morons who giggle at the first sight of gay romance. My god, if you're that stupid or ignorant or immature, go to another movie already! (the only bad thing about the movie were the other members of the audience...)
So. Uhm. Yeah.
So, okay.
Finished another cycle in my life, kindof stuck in the downcycle... for now, waiting for the snow to melt for me to get going again.
Darling, I loveeee you, miss you, how come you never comment???
(Please note "comment" link on bottom of pathetic blog)

fimmtudagur, janúar 05, 2006

Hello darling,
isn't it just dreadful, the weather?
(I don't care where you are, if it's the beginning of January it's dreadful...)
This morning it was raining cats and dogs here in Reykjavik and now it's windy and snowy... phew... the kind of day you just want to lie in bed with a good book and listen to the sounds of the weather. Of course I should add a snarkling fire (hopefully in a fireplace) and hot cocoa. But I'm not much into that, not having a fireplace and all. And not liking cocoa that much...

So. No. Okay. I'm at work (on my lunchbreak, don't worry).
Last weekend I learned how to play Singstar (okay, I know it's not that complicated, I just never had an opportunity before...). I was hanging out with Hlölli and Mangi and they have an 80s Singstar tape... they only wanted to do Eye of the Tiger and The Final Countdown... while I was more into Uptown Girl, 9 to 5 and DOn't you (forget about me)... oh, we did agree on Madness and a little bit of Run DMC (I think I might have a career as a rapper)(I don't think they will, at least not for now. Bear in mind that I'm twenty years older than they are and have a bit of an edge what with speaking and reading english and all). They were really good, though.
I like Singstar. I want to have it.

I really need to start breeding in order to have a good excuse to
a) Own a Playstation
b) Go see cartoons in the cinema

Maybe later.
A lot later.

Until then, I would like it if you consider me charmingly childlike instead of hopelessly childish. OK?
Cheers, darling.