Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

miðvikudagur, janúar 25, 2006

Wow, my English sure is deteriorating. Just look at that last post. If I were an English teacher, I'd have to flunk me. Although I never flunked an English course in my life. That would just be silly, after having grown up watching cartoons in English. I can still sing the theme song from Fat Albert (word for word) and Jem. Bits from My little Pony and Thundercats as well. Lady Lovelylocks. He-Man and She-Ra hum in my head (no lyrics there, was there?). (Haha, I first wrote "hum in my heads" but that would just make me twoheaded and weird. Kindof Zaphoidish, you know?)

Gosh 'n Golly! You know what I did! I bought the whole 7 Buffy series on dvd... yummie! To buy it through Amazon, it cost as much as one series in Iceland, so I figured... 7 for the price of 1... an offer I cannot refuse!

Next month I'll buy Angel. I also figure that this will save me a gazillion in gas and video-rental costs...

Ciao, bella, I love you!

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