Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, janúar 17, 2006

I'm pathetic. No, really. Oh, well. I'm not gonna tell you why. It would just make me more pathetic, ok? Anyway... Tuesday night... Sex and the City on Skjár Einn...
Anyway... I went to see Brokeback mountain with Lóa and Burnsy and let me just tell you. Ohh. No, I can't say it without turning into a complete mush. Mush! It was so beautiful. Just, see it! Hopefully not surrounded by ignorant morons who giggle at the first sight of gay romance. My god, if you're that stupid or ignorant or immature, go to another movie already! (the only bad thing about the movie were the other members of the audience...)
So. Uhm. Yeah.
So, okay.
Finished another cycle in my life, kindof stuck in the downcycle... for now, waiting for the snow to melt for me to get going again.
Darling, I loveeee you, miss you, how come you never comment???
(Please note "comment" link on bottom of pathetic blog)

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