Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

fimmtudagur, janúar 05, 2006

Hello darling,
isn't it just dreadful, the weather?
(I don't care where you are, if it's the beginning of January it's dreadful...)
This morning it was raining cats and dogs here in Reykjavik and now it's windy and snowy... phew... the kind of day you just want to lie in bed with a good book and listen to the sounds of the weather. Of course I should add a snarkling fire (hopefully in a fireplace) and hot cocoa. But I'm not much into that, not having a fireplace and all. And not liking cocoa that much...

So. No. Okay. I'm at work (on my lunchbreak, don't worry).
Last weekend I learned how to play Singstar (okay, I know it's not that complicated, I just never had an opportunity before...). I was hanging out with Hlölli and Mangi and they have an 80s Singstar tape... they only wanted to do Eye of the Tiger and The Final Countdown... while I was more into Uptown Girl, 9 to 5 and DOn't you (forget about me)... oh, we did agree on Madness and a little bit of Run DMC (I think I might have a career as a rapper)(I don't think they will, at least not for now. Bear in mind that I'm twenty years older than they are and have a bit of an edge what with speaking and reading english and all). They were really good, though.
I like Singstar. I want to have it.

I really need to start breeding in order to have a good excuse to
a) Own a Playstation
b) Go see cartoons in the cinema

Maybe later.
A lot later.

Until then, I would like it if you consider me charmingly childlike instead of hopelessly childish. OK?
Cheers, darling.

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