Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

mánudagur, janúar 23, 2006

Another weekend passed... and I didn't even go skiing! Like I ever do. Anywhoo. I bought skiing pants, the other day. I guess I told you. Aaaand I guess that doesn't quite amount to actually GOING skiing either...

Well... I went to a karaeoke bar on Friday (Ölver!!) with a whole bunch of (extremely) drunk law-students... it was quite interesting... hee hee... Valla was there so that's why I went... there I met some more friends (non-lawstudentsy friends) and so... after the drunken law-students had left we did a few numbers ourselves... me and Alfdis did These boots are made for walkin'... very cool. I think Birgitta Haukdal was impressed. Or not. No, really, she was there!

So... then I went to a Jeff Who concert at Gaukurinn with Dísa.. aaaand on Friday I went out with Gunna to Kaffibarinn... met up with Lady Ann and Coco and Burns and stuff. I had a blast.

So that's why I didn't go skiing!

I saw the new Pride and Prejudice movie yesterday... must say it won't be classified as a favourite version.
Mr. Bingley was interpreted as an incompetent buffoon and Mr. Darcy just didn't have the charisma and Oomph to pull it off. Knightly is also far to pretty to be convincing as Elizabeth Bennet. And how come Mr. and Mrs. Bennet could all of a sudden tolerate each other?
And the screenplay was just sortof... oh, well... just... just... why change the lines to the worse? All in all I was disappointed. Oh, well.
I think BBC should have exclusive rights to making filmic versions of Austen's novels.

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