Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

fimmtudagur, júlí 31, 2008

Hello my darling,
how's it going?

Me, I'm fine. I just bought a new telephone. My old one tended to put people right through to voice mail (without notifying me) and I wouldn't even know somebody called if they didn't speak on my voicemail. Plus it kept freezing up on me. So I bought a super duper new phone, a sparling new Sony Ericsson. I've had it for a little less than a week and it has shut down 4 times since then... just turns itself off. And THEN... it started doing the same thing as the other one, with the voicemail and all... Oopsy, guess it's a setting or something - should maybe just get rid of the voicemail! Otherwise... phone good, yes. :)

The weather has been great- it has actually been the warmest summer here since 1944... nice... hope it keeps... my holiday is in Mallorca anyway, so it doesn't really matter much... teehee.
I went to two great concerts last week - the first one with Damien Rice (sigh)... which was great... and then to the Mugison concert Saturday. It was a lot of fun, although the temperature was better at Mugison's concert - they closed the main exit doors at Nasa during the Damien Rice concert with a packed house and no air-conditioning... now does that seem like a good idea? Damien Rice solved the problem by giving everybody (or a whole lot of people) a cool beer during the last song... very cool. (Litterally and figuratively.)

So - a slight moan... I know I watch too much tv. Seriously too much tv. BUT there are some shows that are so bad you just want to smash up your tv set... like the new Robin Hood series - why does everyone have FULL on Dynasty makeup with hairstripes and funky hairstyles??? In the twelfth century!!???

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