Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

mánudagur, febrúar 27, 2006

Premiere, over and done with... if that just ain't the darndest... It went really well and we've had really good reviews. I was quite happy with the press coverage that we got (quite happy all that busting my ass persecuting the media worked out!)(it doesn't just happen by itself, ya know)
So... now I just have to sell and sell and sell tickets, calling pretty much every company in town etc (ouf, death of a salesgirl)(maybe death in the form of a salesgirl?)
So. After the premiere and the premiere party a bunch of us went to Bar 11 where we danced until five, or six. And then, presto, did it again the next night. I like to think of it as excercise. I mean, several hours of dancing is good for you, even if it might be accompanied by a couple (couple, hahaa!) liters of beer. Oo. My judgement of men keeps getting better... I was kindof talking (ok, maybe flirting) with this guy, and after a while we go to the bathroom (seperately, mind you!) and when I get out, the girl that was next in line says: Say, are you with that guy? And I say: mm, well, nooo, not really... why? She goes: 'Cause he just asked my friend if she wanted to go xxxx him in the toilet.
I'm just a magnet for schmucks, aren't I? It's absoloutely freaky! And afterwards he didn't seem to understand why I blew him off, even after I flat out told him.

Sorry, not really that bitter. Grrrrr!

Buy tickets, now! Call me, I might get you a deal... call me with a bunch of your friends and I'll get you an even better deal... Go see Talaðu við mig
Hugs and kisses, daaaaarling.

mánudagur, febrúar 20, 2006

You know, there are a few things in this life you should never do. Never drink and dial, for example. Ever! And don't drink and text either, that's just as bad, ok?
You would think I'd have learned that by now. Guess I'm a slow learner. And then some!!
On the other hand, I had a good time Saturday night.
Friday sucked though, return of the freaky visual migraine... I was at the end of my workday in the office, all alone and talking to my cousin Helga on the phone when the words started disappearing from my head. I couldn't remember the word "house". And, you know, there's really no way of explaining that you can't speak without speaking! This wasn't as bad as that first time,though (Lordy, now that was freaky!). On top of this came them crazy visual disturbances. Couldn't see the right part of words... and 3, 6 and 9 on the phone dial, which made phoning a cab quite a challenge! Not to mention not remembering the number, hahaha!!! Should have heard me ordering the cab!! Hihihi! God! Oh, sorry. Hehemm. But. Well. Couldn't I get, like, a normal disease/condition? Maybe that would be no fun. Not that conditions/diseases are FUN, per se...
Ooo, remember that time when my left FIN grew into oversize?? Imagine what I'd look like if it weren't for modern medicine... At least I'd still have all my teeth, eh?
Otherwise, things are really busy at the office, we are premiering on the 24th, so It's stressorama galore over here (hence the freak-attack, probably)... but still very exciting... :)
Oh, well... hugs and kisses, darling,
I'll let you know if I start growing another head/finger/colon!

mánudagur, febrúar 13, 2006

4 störf sem ég hef unnið um ævina:
1. Íslenski dansflokkurinn - kynningarfulltrúi
2. NFS - Fréttakona
3. Leikskólinn Dvergasteinn - starfsmaður
3. LSH - launafulltrúi

og aupair... og svo á SKOLI... og og og...

4 bíómyndir sem ég get horft á aftur og aftur
1. La Double Vie de Veronique
2. Breakfast Club (veitiggi af hverju, ókei?)
3. My Beautiful Laundretta
4. Princess Bride

æ, of margar til að geta talið, sko, eiginlega... haaa?

4 staðir sem ég hef búið á
1. Hávallagatan, aka Hávó og Ættaróðalið... flyt aaaaldrei að heiman...
2. New Cross Road, Lewisham, suð-austur London
3. West 77th Street, Manhattan-eyja, New York
4. Rue des Cygognes, Beloeil, Québec

Og eiginlega bara það... gott það voru ekki fleiri liðir... fjúí...

4 sjónvarpsþættir sem mér líkar
1. Buffy
3. Northern Exposure... manstu??
4. Angel

Æ, og fullt meira... fullt fullt fullt... ég og sjónvarpið erum læk ÐISS...

4 staðir sem ég hef heimsótt í fríum
1. Barcelona
2. Miðjarðarhafið, milli Mallorca og Menorca á seglbáti, samt meira á Mallorca, við Alcudia sko...
3. Kaupmannahöfn
4. Níagara fossarnir

Uuu... greinilega ferðast ég lítið... aðallega ferðast ég þegar ég flyt út bara, sko... eða fer á ráðstefnur eða eitthvað. Ókei, ráðstefnU.

4 síður sem ég skoða daglega fyrir utan blogg
1. myspace... flokkast það kannski undir blogg?? Dóbb...

4 matarkyns sem ég held uppá
1. Maturinn á Grænum kosti... sammála Gunnu minni þar!
2. Mexíkóska súpan... og nú... með kjúkling EÐA baraaaa tófú, tofu formerly known as chicken? Nei, hvort tveggja gott...
3. Indverskur matur, bara svona yfir höfuð... nema á litla matareitrunarstaðnum sem var við hliðina á okkur á New Cross... eugh... ekki furða hann væri tómur þrátt fyrir 2-f-1 tilboðið fyrir stúdenta...
4. Svona böku/salat kombó eins og við borðuðum svo oft úti í London, við Sóló...

4 staðir sem ég vildi heldur vera á núna
1. London
2. New York
3. Uppi á fjallstoppi í hengirúmi með heitt kakó og bók (góða)
4. Rugga á seglbáti í þögulli vík við Menorca

4 sem eiga að gera þetta líka
1. Tinna
2. Fríða Rós
3. Bryndís Ísfold
4. Birna
5. Kókó
6. Lafði Anna

Sex, sjáiði, ég setti sex!! Það mætti halda að ég kynni ekki að telja, haaaa...

Og takiði svo áskoruninni, annars er það bara 7 ára ólukka, og spegillinn þinn brotnar og hundurinn þinn fær sárasótt og börnin þín vaxa upp skögultennt og með kartneglur.
Ekki það að ég sé eitthvað hjátrúarfull.

föstudagur, febrúar 10, 2006

Bound, Bound, Bound and Rebound

Did you ever catch that animation-short that's on the The Incredibles DVD? It's fantastic, it just sticks in my head. And the song, which is strangely apt at the moment... hahaha...

I want a boyfriend like Oz... except one who's actually bigger than a guitar...
C'mon, you Buffy fans know what I'm talkin' about...
Not that I find the character monumentally attractive, he's just sweet, ya know?

Bound, Bound, Bound and Rebound

Should I go out tonight? Shake m'booty?
Stress relief?
Or do stress relief at our summerhouse, lounging in the jacuzzi, getting drunk on red wine? Grab a good book (yeah, right... or grab my lap-top and soak in series three and four...)

Bound, Bound, Bound and Rebound
For there are only so many times one can bang one's head against stone, eh?
Yes, EVEN me!
Hugs and kisses honey!

fimmtudagur, febrúar 09, 2006

Hello hello,
I went to a rrreally good movie on Tuesday... whooee... Walk the Line is just a fantastic movie. And how on earth could they manage to find actors who not only look so much like the people they play but sound like them, too? I bet there aren't a lot of guys who can sing like Johnny Cash... Aside from the movie having good actors in it, it was just wonderfully written and directed. So, go see it, ok?
Then I took Swedish Lisa to Sirkús, haven't been there in ages so it kindof felt really nice to plomp myself down, talk and enjoy a nice Check Budwar... mmm...
Otherwise my days and nights are filled with Buffy the Vampire slayer... like I mentioned I bought the whole 7 series... so I quit watching tv and reading and doing silly, social stuff and just watch Buffy... It's quite a nice thing to do in February!

Hello hello,
I went to a rrreally good movie on Tuesday... whooee... Walk the Line is just a fantastic movie. And how on earth could they manage to find actors who not only look so much like the people they play but sound like them, too! I bet there aren't a lot of guys who can sing exactly like Johnny Cash! Aside from the movie having good actors in it, it was just wonderfully written and directed! So, go see it, ok?
Then I took Swedish Lisa to Sirkús, haven't been there in ages so it kindof felt really nice to plomp myself down, talk and enjoy a nice Check Budwar... mmm...
Otherwise my days and nights are filled with Buffy the Vampire slayer... like I mentioned I bought the whole 7 series... so I quit watching tv and reading and doing silly social stuff and just watch Buffy... It's quite a nice thing to do in February!

fimmtudagur, febrúar 02, 2006

Hello darling, how have you been? I've been just dandy, working a lot, but in a good way (so far!)... The Iceland Dance Company is premiereing two new pieces in February so practicing and PR are crucial at this stage. Especially the practicing. I'm kindof trying to make myself feel important, ok? Did I mention I started a Stott Pilates course with Valla? Yes, I did. Everything for fitness. It's only once a week, though... must try and jog in between... there's a... hmmmm... hlaupabretti... running board! Hahaha! A machine that you run on... ya know? Anyway, there is one of those at my place of work.
Forget it.
Ooo... work calls. Ciao.