Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, febrúar 13, 2007

see, we're premiering again... in less than two weeks now!
Come see two fabulous original pieces in one double-bill evening!
See the dancers fly across the stage in a dazzle of light and excitement!
Come see Í OKKAR NAFNI at the Reykjavík City Theatre, tickets available right now! Perfect for all students of human nature and environmental enthusiasts.
Absorb the powerful tones of Jón Leifs in one of the pieces!
San Fran ballet who? Come see Iceland Dance! :D Okay???

Voila a publicity picture ;)

Another remarkable thing:My sis has started blogging as well - check it out

mánudagur, febrúar 05, 2007

I got asked for my ID last Saturday. I don't know if I should be flattered or not. On the one hand he thought I might be under 20... which is good. On the other hand, the guy has seen me every friggin weekend for many months now and he had no recollection of me?? I'm HORRIBLE with faces, but I remembered HIM!
Oooh... scary thought: Maybe it was the acne!!! Hahahaha!
(I was told once by a psychic that I need to learn to accept compliments... hmmm)
(dear lord, I'm quoting psychics now...)
My little niece turned 4 years old yesterday, happy birthday! I mean, happy birthday if you could read! And browse the internet for interesting web-sites! Like this one!
Anyway, I think I must try to stop my recycling. I'm good at collecting stuff but bad at getting it to Sorpa, the disposal thingy. My flat is filling up with newspapers! And I have a bunch in my car, too! Soon my car will be the only car in Reykjavík which has it's own compost.
Something every car needs.
Anyway. I think I need a maid. Does anyone volunteer? Maybe I can do something for you instead... I'm good at fixing up CVs... and I can play you a pretty tune on the flute while you clean (hee hee hee)... or quote bad american films and good american television series?

föstudagur, febrúar 02, 2007

I have the sweetest nieces. The older one is turning four this weekend. We were playing the other day at "store"... I was supposed to ask if she had something in the store and she would run and get it and charge me for it. So I ask her if she has milk. She goes - sure... but it's a bit torn... and it's only for cows.
(Ya see... there was a picture of a cow on the carton... hee hee...) I love kids' logic. It's so oddly accurate yet so off.