Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

föstudagur, mars 16, 2007

Well! The new sign-in at Blogger has kept me from blogging. Not for any logical reason. Not like its complicated, or I didn't have a gmail address or anything...
Well... anyway - I do have news! Good news! I'm going to CHINA! Yessireeeeeee.
China, here I come. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou... here I come. Coooming. To China.
I'm going with the company, the Dance Company, the Iceland Dance Company.
Which has a blog now - - so go see it, okay?

Tonight there is a newsteam at NFS reunion, I just might go. Fell kindof like a drop-out. Not a beauty-school drop out like in Grease, but a drop out nontheless. A happy drop-outer, though. Plus, with my current profession, I get to go to...
you guessed it - CHINA!

Ciao darling

fimmtudagur, mars 01, 2007

1. mars!
This was the day beer, my fond friend, was legalized in
Iceland! It's been a while now, about 18 years I think. I remember it
like it was yesterday! All the warnings! My parents' excitement!
Otherwise - the premiere is over, and went very well (come see!)
see ya!