Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

föstudagur, september 29, 2006

I am going to my first professional photo shoot (apart from my confirmation and a few newspaper pictures)... I think this will be the make of me. Finally I will be discovered for the beautyqueen I am at heart. (I did hear that photographs were supposed to catch your inner person...) (...we'll see. If previous photographs are anything to judge by, my inner beauty isn't exactly asserting itself...)
If the photo will be goooorgeous, I'll post it. If not - not.
:S I will help Kiddy and Valdi move tonight... work and party hard over the weekend... hope you'll have a good time, too! ;)

miðvikudagur, september 27, 2006

Lately the realm of the virtual has been expanding exponentially. I see some myspace friends of mine more often than my real ones. MSN. Skype. Email is practically snailmail - it doesn't get replied to immediately, BLOGS... ehm... yes, those too. It's kindof crazy. And addictive to some. A friend of mine had to detox herself from the web - no msn and myspace for a week.

What can we do. Can we turn back? Are we spoiled now, do we have to be put down and have mother nature start again? Move to a third world country, where telephones are a rarity?

Should I start a commune, somewhere in the countryside?
Am I cult-leader material?
(If I am, can I have multiple husbands?)
These questions haunt me...

þriðjudagur, september 19, 2006

I have a theory. About people who go to those awful places. You know the places I mean, the Astró's of today (she says so as not to offend anyone). Like FM957 come to life with a bunch of supertanned people, addicted to their gym and breezers, dreadful, skimpy clothes and hair-dye?

My theory is, that most of the people there are quite obsessed with their looks, right? So they go to the gym a lot (a lot), right? (Bear with me, I've almost reached my point)

And at the gym they get exposed to the music they play at gyms.
Which is where their whole sense of melody, rythm and tune derives from.
I just joined a gym. It's real hard. And it's really early in the morning, and I love nothinig more than my morning sleep.
That, however, is nothing, compared to the music I am forced to endure.
I think the trainers got their music lessons from the US army's interrogation camps. Except it's not even Red Hot Chili Peppers. I could live with that. Nononono... it's SHOWTUNES rearranged to fit a Euro-pop rythm. Seriously!
I don't know if I will be able to survive. Maybe if I go deaf? But that would seriously hinder my telephonic addiction...

fimmtudagur, september 14, 2006

Well, well, well... this gray sky is really getting everyone in Iceland down. Work is very busy and my extra-curricular activities are multiplying by the hour, so I don't have much time to brood, which is good.
Well, I don't have much to blog about, I've been out and about like normally, working a lot, started gym, reading, watching Supernova, Magni didn't win, text-messaging, visiting, talking...
everydaystuff. Ok, so the rain is affecting me, I confess.
Yawn. Will go to our summerhouse tomorrow, marinate in the jacuzzi for a few hours with red wine... tihihi...

miðvikudagur, september 06, 2006

Tomorrow, on Thursday September 7th, I graduate!The ceremony is at Goldsmiths College, London, but I will try to watch it on-line.
Although I have already received my diploma through the mail (some time ago, even), tomorrow at around noon I will FORMALLY carry the degree of
MA in Visual Anthropology from the University of London, Goldsmiths College.
So. Yes!
I will watch the ceremony with Sólrún, who is also graduating. Maybe we'll pop a champagne bottle or something... I've got a very fancy one tucked somewhere...
There will probably be a bigass party, mine and Sólrún's, sometime next week... you are cordially invited (later on).

Tonight is also remarkable, since it's the foundation of my band. A very, very cool band. With very, very cool girls in it. (If you use the word cool, you aren't really cool, are you?)
I'll give you the name of the band and details later on ;)

mánudagur, september 04, 2006

My blogs are duller than they used to be. For this there can be two reasons.
1. I'm duller.
2. My personal self has become so exceptionally witty that there is no wit left for my blog.
Make that three.
3. My life has gotten duller (not me, per se, see?)

I could spice things up a bit. Tell some juicy secrets. Maybeeee... divulge some amorous secrets of my own, or others...
Hmmm. I know I've threatened this before, and I'm too much of a chicken.

I suppose everyone's life is dull, up to a point. Base-jumping can be exhilarating, but if you do it for a living, it must surely become tedious in the end. That Australian guy who was so used to crocodiles he didn't see anything wrong with feeding one with his baby on his arm...
(although he just got fried by a fish today)
(bókstaflega, stunginn af risaskötu í hjartað, stuðaði hann til dauð)
(but what a way to go)

Mind you, my gloom has been influenced by September and rain.
Both of which are quite gloomy enough by themselves.

Tomorrow I will be laughing of joy at the wonders of a fly. The glint of a smile in someones eye. Wonders of leaves.
Unfortunately, this is no exaggeration.
(no, it is, though)

See you later, I promise I will strive for more consistency.

sunnudagur, september 03, 2006

Hi. I'm back. Did you miss me? Didn't know I was gone, huh? Ok. Well, anyway. I was in Brussels, at a conference and a meeting. It went well, and from this short trip I gained an incredible amount of respect for direct translators. You know, the ones who translate simultaneously from the speaker into the receiver's ear (UN style). Hell, I even have trouble translating children's books from english to Icelandic at the spur of the moment. Anyway. At night I watched Gilmore girls in French. Fancy that! French went a whole lot smoother than I thought, was even able to follow debate on culture in French. Mostly when it was spoken by foreigners, though. (although I a did get a lot of "etes vous néerlandaise? at first"...) I missed you, darling, hugs and kisses.