Hi. I'm back. Did you miss me? Didn't know I was gone, huh? Ok. Well, anyway. I was in Brussels, at a conference and a meeting. It went well, and from this short trip I gained an incredible amount of respect for direct translators. You know, the ones who translate simultaneously from the speaker into the receiver's ear (UN style). Hell, I even have trouble translating children's books from english to Icelandic at the spur of the moment. Anyway. At night I watched Gilmore girls in French. Fancy that! French went a whole lot smoother than I thought, was even able to follow debate on culture in French. Mostly when it was spoken by foreigners, though. (although I a did get a lot of "etes vous néerlandaise? at first"...) I missed you, darling, hugs and kisses.
Me, me, me.
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