Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

föstudagur, ágúst 18, 2006

Well. Life can be exceedingly unfair. It's not enough that I'm impossible with faces, I'm impossible with names too. So, what I do is just try and look friendly at people I might possibly know, juuust enough so I won't offend if I don't remember my second best friend or so.

Last weekend I went to a fare-well party at Barinn and in walks this guy, he kindof smiles at me so I give him a big sunny smile, deciding that he's a guy I know from the UK. He comes over and I go "heeey, you remember my friend Sólrún, don't you?" pointing at her. She smiles awkwardly. He smiles congenially and says "hey, sure, this is my girlfriend xxxxx" we kindof nod awkwardly (and by this time I had figured out it couldn't be the guy who I thought it was, since he knew both me and Sólrún quite well).
This morning I'm getting dressed, turn on the tv to some music videos... and voila. I realised why I thought the guy so familiar. He's in a band. That has a video running on tv.
Poor guy must be as clueless as I. But, hey, at least we're NICE.

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