Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, september 19, 2006

I have a theory. About people who go to those awful places. You know the places I mean, the Astró's of today (she says so as not to offend anyone). Like FM957 come to life with a bunch of supertanned people, addicted to their gym and breezers, dreadful, skimpy clothes and hair-dye?

My theory is, that most of the people there are quite obsessed with their looks, right? So they go to the gym a lot (a lot), right? (Bear with me, I've almost reached my point)

And at the gym they get exposed to the music they play at gyms.
Which is where their whole sense of melody, rythm and tune derives from.
I just joined a gym. It's real hard. And it's really early in the morning, and I love nothinig more than my morning sleep.
That, however, is nothing, compared to the music I am forced to endure.
I think the trainers got their music lessons from the US army's interrogation camps. Except it's not even Red Hot Chili Peppers. I could live with that. Nononono... it's SHOWTUNES rearranged to fit a Euro-pop rythm. Seriously!
I don't know if I will be able to survive. Maybe if I go deaf? But that would seriously hinder my telephonic addiction...

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