Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

mánudagur, maí 30, 2005

Monday Monday...
Went to our summerhouse with my parents and niece on Friday, it was very nice. Got really drunk in the hot tub... which would have been no problem if I hadn't slept next to my two year old niece who woke up just before SEVEN in the morning... feeling very fresh and bouncy... hehe...
Saturday was ok, for the most part... bit of a drama, went out down town...
'nuff said.
And theeeen... I had a very cosy night at Ásthildur's, watching Blade: Trinity and another film about dragons... it had Matthew McConaughey in it but he was looking kinda scruff, hmmm... fell asleep over it though...
So... that was the sum of my weekend... hmmm? Yeees, yes, yes... veeeery interesting... Look, I'm Irish... apparently... true about the drinking, though.

Your Inner European is Irish!

Sprited and boisterous!

You drink everyone under the table.

miðvikudagur, maí 25, 2005

I actually wiped out my computer and started afresh. (Wiped it out on purpose, mind you). So, now I am free to start working.
Having said this... I have been a "bit" lazy this week (month). This will of course change very soon. Am reading now... school book stuff... well, I will be... once I stop blogging.
Had a very lazy day yesterday... woke up rrreally late... had breakfast (at five p.m.) at Vegamót with Ino (mind you, I had been up for a couple of hours by then...) and basically continued to do absoloutely nothing. Which is very nice.
And summer is here. Obviously, I'm sneezing my brain out. Funny how that part of summer keeps getting conveniently forgotten... I think it's a survival technique for me. Bleah.

þriðjudagur, maí 17, 2005

Hey, I went to the library. And found loads of sources AND borrowed a few books... I feel extremely accomplished...
My friend Fríða had a baby girl the other day, did I tell you this? No, I think not. I am very excited to meet her. Tihi.

The basement is in a state of renovation, my mom and Hlynur having totally stripped the old kitchen, to make way for a fancy, new one. Of course this happened while I was really hung over, trying to block out noise... haha... You would think that this was being done for my benefit, but I suspect not. See, my parents have talked about renovating the upstairs kitchen (the functioning one) for 25 years now. Eeeevery year. Buying all magazines featuring kitchens, going to stores to look at kitchen cabinets etc. etc. etc. TwentyFIVE years. In the meantime the whole house has been fixed... except the kitchen. So now I guess they figure that if they have a functioning kitchen in the basement they can renovate the kitchen without bringing out the camping cooking gear aaaand... it will be a sortof practice thing...
Of course I'm not exactly complaining, either, though :)(for you in the dark, I live in the basement...)

Oooh, yeah, and I saw SpoungeBob Squarepants. Finally! Who'd have thought I'd ever find anyone willing to go see it with me?? ;-)
It was actually very funny...

föstudagur, maí 13, 2005

Hello there (Oh, she blogs, she blogs! What wonders!)
I bought furniture yesterday. Can you believe it? A wonderful, little sixties commode. Very cheap, mind you. Aaaand I had dinner with my cousin Tinna. Aaannnd... hmmm... not doing much these days. Oh, yes! Working for my political party a bit... getting into the midsts of political plotting and cowriting a discussion document on the issues of equality and human rights with Bryndís Ísfold, meant for the general assembly thingy of the party. God, I suck at speaking about politics in English, I lack the proper terms. Correct me if you will. And if you will not I will be forever grateful. So tonight is Friday and I have no sense of it because my days lack proper structure... hmmm... must go to the alcohol store... this is a three day weekend, mind you. And in Iceland you can only by alcohol in government-owned stores which close very early and are closed on sundays and stuff... buhuuu...
I'm off. Blogblocked.

þriðjudagur, maí 10, 2005

Hello again... hmmm... soon I must start doing stuff. My one week of leisure is up today... or actually it is up at midnight, right? And now I must start going to the library and go to the bank and all that stuff... boooring... I am going to finish my final essay this month so I can just concentrate on the film for the rest of the summer months. Kindof like finishing all the bad candy first so you can enjoy the good bits later... thinking ahead. How extremely adult of me. Makes me rather proud, actually.

Have spent most of the past week going out to Sirkus and Kaffibarinn and meating friends and family and stuff... hmmm... What else? Weeell... boy, my mind is numb today, isn't it? Note the emphasis on "today".

Will go to may aunt's house tonight and barbeque some hotdogs with her and the twins... better use the time before she moves out into the wilderness. Outside Reykjavik city limits. Not even a neighbouring town or borough. Scary, isn't it?

laugardagur, maí 07, 2005

Home Sweet Home

so now I'm back in Iceland... and from now on I'll be blogging in English, tada. You see... blogs are mostly for people far away, aren't they? To keep in touch across the oceans and blah di blah... cross cultural barriers, so in light of this... English!
The international language of looove. Or was that French? Well, I'm not gonna be blogging in French, mind you, so it will just have to be English.

So I've been back since the third of May and had loads of fun since then, babysat my niece and have been going out, getting drunk... not simultaneously of course. I mean... I'm not the alcoholic babysitter you seem to think I am.

It's good to be back and I am sad to inform those interested in my room that it is no longer available because I was contacted by this postgrad student at Goldsmiths (technically I am only allowed to rent my room to a postgrad at Goldsmiths, see) who is interested in overtaking my lease. HOWEVER I will be of good assistance if you still want to go to London, there are a gazillion rooms waiting to be occupied during the summer, and tens and tens of ads up at the main building. So I could just get my friends to note down a few contact details and voila. So no worries, ok :) I'm really sorry though and do apologize. The thing is that if I had sublet the place, like I had planned to, you would have no legal right to the flat and might have risked the possibility of being kicked out if the accommodation office had found out, albeit an unlikely possibility. But I'd rather help you get a flat where you have some rights!

Soooo... I might just afford a digital video camera after all... luvly, luvly... hihihi...

Beautiful weather now, early spring in Iceland, light-green leaves starting to peak out of their respected trees all over the city... sunny and gorgeous... hmmmm... perfect weather to stay inside though... not to warm... hehehe...