Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, maí 17, 2005

Hey, I went to the library. And found loads of sources AND borrowed a few books... I feel extremely accomplished...
My friend Fríða had a baby girl the other day, did I tell you this? No, I think not. I am very excited to meet her. Tihi.

The basement is in a state of renovation, my mom and Hlynur having totally stripped the old kitchen, to make way for a fancy, new one. Of course this happened while I was really hung over, trying to block out noise... haha... You would think that this was being done for my benefit, but I suspect not. See, my parents have talked about renovating the upstairs kitchen (the functioning one) for 25 years now. Eeeevery year. Buying all magazines featuring kitchens, going to stores to look at kitchen cabinets etc. etc. etc. TwentyFIVE years. In the meantime the whole house has been fixed... except the kitchen. So now I guess they figure that if they have a functioning kitchen in the basement they can renovate the kitchen without bringing out the camping cooking gear aaaand... it will be a sortof practice thing...
Of course I'm not exactly complaining, either, though :)(for you in the dark, I live in the basement...)

Oooh, yeah, and I saw SpoungeBob Squarepants. Finally! Who'd have thought I'd ever find anyone willing to go see it with me?? ;-)
It was actually very funny...

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