Happy New April! I've made April resolutions. Or perhaps fourth of April resolutions. Quarterly resolutions. Yes, that's it. Deffinitely better than once a year. Has to be. More the better. Or merrier, hopefully both.
What are my April resolutions? Hmmm... be attracted to men who do not a) detest me or b) like a nice doormat. That's partially on the way already. Goody. AAAAAND! Drink less... or have more fun while drinking. Or both. NO! That doesn't make sense, bad resolution. Resolution 3: Make more sense.
Fourth one: Gather more nationalities - how many nationalities can a gal have? I've got two, I think two more would present an interesting twist to my personality. Which brings us to resolution number 5: Make less sense. While I do realise this is at odds with resolution 3, it makes perfect sense in relation to resolution nr. 5. Maybe we can add a codicil. More sense at work, maybe, let loose in other areas? Three for work, five for life? Should I combine the two? But where in the numerical order would resolution 4 fall then? One has to live a little, and, well, inspite all of the going out and stuff, I'm regrettably boring, personality wise. So. Crazy go me. (that's nr. 6, ok?)
(Oooo, what WILL she do next, mention NAMES in her blog???)
(Have sex?)
(Buy new shoes?)
The world is absoloutely filled with possibilities.
Sorry, having a quarterly miniature crisis. But a good one. You need a good crisis every now to shake up your noggin.
Happy birthday, sis ;)