Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

miðvikudagur, apríl 26, 2006

Hello, there. A while since I've written, sorry about that. Things are ok, mostly kindof. Life can be tricky for us all, I guess. I'm going to a WebPage building seminar (Photoshop/Frontpage) and will try to go to a DreamWeaver seminar after that. After that I will be a computer whiz with my own webpage,, whereto I will move this blog.
Hope you are happy, hugs and kisses....

miðvikudagur, apríl 19, 2006

How cute is that? :)

þriðjudagur, apríl 18, 2006

Happy, happy, happy!
O, deary me! I have a new little niece, she's quite tiny and she was born yesterday. (although she is 17 "merkur" (haha) which isn't all that tiny for a baby... just ask the mother...)
So, my sister Ransy and Hlynur and little Erna just had a gorgeous addition to their family! It happened yesterday (finally)... I'll try and put in photo's when again... until then... ripping with pride!

mánudagur, apríl 10, 2006

Awake after midnight, alone, listening to the rain. A surefire way to melancholy and philosophical questions and ramblings - all of whom seem silly in the light of day. If I could I would spend half the month in complete solitude, with a ton of books and nature. And maybe a computer so I could post my insane ramblings. Here's one adolescent thought (as you know, when we are young we tend "re-invent" every question that has ever been asked, believing ourselves phenomenal pioneers in original thought):
How do we know who we really are - is it through solitude or through our actions and interactions in relation to other people? Me, in my head, is most likely quite different from the me you perceive. But which is the real one? I'd like to think the one in my head. But, then again, I'm the only one there. So I couldn't really trust my judgement in that respect, now could I? So, for all intents and purposes I am only what other people perceive of me. However, people perceive me in different ways (I expect). Would this mean that I am, in fact, many different people?

I mentioned insane ramblings, silly in the light of day. Well, here's an excellent example for you.
Good night, dearest.

sunnudagur, apríl 09, 2006

My sister is still pregnant, this is just getting silly! I keep expecting phone-calls that she's giving birth but nono... that kid just wants to stay in there. 6 days overdue. I think there should be a fine, like at the library. Maybe at confirmation, when the kid comes into some money, she/he could pay back 5000 kr. for each day overdue... how's that?
Or, maybe, the kid changed it's mind, decided to shrink back to it's original duo... how would it return those, though? De-sex?
Boy, if that were possible. Imagine that.

Aside from birthing-anxiety by proxy, I'm just dandy. Feeling like I want to jump into something freakishly exciting, you know? When you're kindof buzzing, waiting for something fun to come along. While I know this might not HAPPEN... It's still a nice feeling to have. Give it a couple of hours, and it'll pass (or give way to video)...
Love you darling, hugs and kisses.

þriðjudagur, apríl 04, 2006

Happy New April! I've made April resolutions. Or perhaps fourth of April resolutions. Quarterly resolutions. Yes, that's it. Deffinitely better than once a year. Has to be. More the better. Or merrier, hopefully both.
What are my April resolutions? Hmmm... be attracted to men who do not a) detest me or b) like a nice doormat. That's partially on the way already. Goody. AAAAAND! Drink less... or have more fun while drinking. Or both. NO! That doesn't make sense, bad resolution. Resolution 3: Make more sense.
Fourth one: Gather more nationalities - how many nationalities can a gal have? I've got two, I think two more would present an interesting twist to my personality. Which brings us to resolution number 5: Make less sense. While I do realise this is at odds with resolution 3, it makes perfect sense in relation to resolution nr. 5. Maybe we can add a codicil. More sense at work, maybe, let loose in other areas? Three for work, five for life? Should I combine the two? But where in the numerical order would resolution 4 fall then? One has to live a little, and, well, inspite all of the going out and stuff, I'm regrettably boring, personality wise. So. Crazy go me. (that's nr. 6, ok?)
(Oooo, what WILL she do next, mention NAMES in her blog???)
(Have sex?)
(Buy new shoes?)
The world is absoloutely filled with possibilities.
Sorry, having a quarterly miniature crisis. But a good one. You need a good crisis every now to shake up your noggin.
Happy birthday, sis ;)

mánudagur, apríl 03, 2006

Hello my darling, how have you been? I've been very busy but as of last Friday things are easier. Friday was a hoot, though, with the last show and saying good bye to Itamar, who's going back to Israel. We had a party afterwards, and me, Jesús and Katla organized this wuunderful disco-80's theme party for the company, with glitz and glimmer, disco lights and a huge sound system. Plus I made jello-shots in 4 different colours! (I was so hyper after decorating and getting everything together that it took 2 hours and several beers and jello shots to detach my shoulders from my ears...
Had a very good weekend, met all sorts of interesting and fun people (some weekends you go out and you hardly meet anyone, ya know?)...

Anyway, so... here I was, minding my own at the office (all alone, travelling and illness and moving affecting the rest of the staff) when in walks my Asthildur! :) That certainly brightened up my day. For you in the dark, Asthildur deserted our beeeautiful country for France recently (why anyone would do such a thing, I find extremely hard to imagine)... but is home for a visit now. I am very happy about this. People should come to Iceland more often. That is, people who I know and like should come to Iceland more often. Although I don't mind the others coming, it's just that, well, they don't make me happy. Being that I don't know them and will probably not meet them. So, no happy there.
But happy with Asthildur. :)