Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

mánudagur, mars 27, 2006

I received a complaint. Apparently I don't blog too regularly. Alas, I will try to mend my ways and become a more concientious blogger.
These past two weeks have been a blur of work and a bit of stress (punctuated by a heavy metal concert, for some odd reason). We've had a seminar for teenage boys, two choreographic workshops and Talk to me, our February/March performance. This week we have another dance seminar for teenagers and then... well, the stress level will go down a bit again :)Very life-ish, you know. Ebbs and flows etc. etc.
I went to my uncle's wedding on Saturday, it was really great... good food, good wine... good dancing... I think I may have had a little to drink before dancing... most likely the dancing (i.e. my dancing) wasn't that fabulous, I have never been known for my subtle moves and lythe body. Bit of a klutz, really. But, hey, as long as you enjoy it, right?
So. Now I have blogged. Will go back to life now.
Love you!

föstudagur, mars 17, 2006

A screaming new level of humiliation. Well, I guess I brought it down upon my self. I'm going to just stop trying. It isn't really worth it. I'm going to listen to good music. See good friends. Have a good time and get my shit together.

miðvikudagur, mars 15, 2006

Jæja... one musn't blog so rarely, one might lose one's captivated audience. Dreadful!
So what's been going on? Well, same old I guess. Kajsa is back in the country :) and uhm... well. I talked to figure skaters (astonishing in itself). And. Uhm. I went down town during the weekend (duh) and...
Oh! On Friday I had the best time with Sólrún and Vala, we cooked a homemade pizza (ok, they cooked) and chatted and it was very nice. And then it started snowing like crazy (it has hardly snowed at all in Iceland this winter), big christmas-like snowflakes. Which is always lovely.
Except it turned into slush later and I ruined my shoes. But, hey, small price to pay! No, a big one! Dammit. Hate snow. No! I mean... oh, whatever...
Must get back to selling, promoting, organizing...
Love y'all...

mánudagur, mars 06, 2006

Bryndís got hit on the nose by a lightning. Really. Really! OK, so Bryndis, the plane, not Bryndis the me. Is that a sign?? (Do you find me egocentric??)
I don't know, I've been doing some strange things lately... hmmm...
I'm gonna be in a film about Alþýðuflokkurinn (a minuscule part, where I answer one question in a very stupid and nervous kind of way)(which I like to think of as charming)(I need to believe this, please don't take that away from me.), it would have been 90 years old, you see (the party)... but I actually come from Alþýðubandalagið... OK, so not exactly bursting the weirdometer here.
And, and. Oh, well, you wouldn't believe me and I really couldn't blog it. 'Cause it's not the kindof thing you blog.
No matter, just for the record, the reason I've been a lazy-ass blogger lately is 'cause I found a new internet thingy... I got hooked on myspace... so you're more likely to catch me at ...all righty? You could be my myspace friend, ya know. I'm collecting them. (mymyspace?)
Must stop talking now, not gathering any respect.
Ach, I know you love me, anyway.

miðvikudagur, mars 01, 2006

Visual disturbances again. I think I have to check in with the neurologist. This time I wasn't even stressed out or anything, and it only happened a few days ago last time. Bloody hell.