Lordy, Lordy...
another week gone by and we have Christmas for the weekend. Fancy that! I like that, Christmas is good, yessirree. So I've been working at the new place, I'm the new gal again. Then again, I never stopped being the new gel at NFS. Yes. And the
Iceland Dance Company is a very nice place to be. :D
I went to a concert yesterday at Hallgrímskirkja, in support of Nature-friendly-ness and not-building-daminess. Many excellent musicians were playing, including amina. And then I went to Ölstofan with Steinunn (who's back from Boston) and there we met Kristín (who was living in NY at the same time as me).
That was very nice, a lot of catching up and stuff. And beer (oupsy).
And fun. Hmmm... so... now...
Oh, a drunken, old woman walked up to me and said that I was beautiful but that I was sad and that was because I was having an affair with a married man. Interrreeeeesting... a bit deluded, but interreeeeesting (and a wee bit insane).
Now, if I could only get MEN to tell me I'm beautiful, I'd be all set. Men apparently don't like me a lot although there are some exceptions from guys that are:
(and I mean like, as in friendly kinda, huh, ok? And in a you-should-date-my-best-friend kindof way)
a) already married/in a relationship b) strictly friends
c) related to me
Bear in mind, there are quite a few men who belong to those categories who detest me as well, but fewer than in the general public, and all...
If I can only stop men from hating me I could have beautiful relationships! Or just one! Maybe I'm pushy... too pushy? Too distant? Smell awful and have a dreadful sense of humour? A little bit of all? (Shall I continue?)
Don't mind me, I'm not depressed, just sarcastic.
Hey, Xmas, day after the stinky-fish-day!