Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

mánudagur, mars 17, 2008

My blog is old.
I mean oooold. It's six now. It should be attending school by now. Except that its kinda dumb.

I have decided to abandon it soon... and build a proper web-site.
And, yes, I have been saying this for a couple of years. Or since my blog was four.

My weblinks are all ancient, I haven't added pictures for eons and currently spend more time on facebook, lastfm and myspace than here.

Aside from being sub-level, intellectually speaking, my blog is very self-absorbed.
All it talks about is me, me, me (incidentally the tagline for the blog).
And mostly its peeved (a mental state most likely to get my fingers tapping).

It should be fun and witty.
(Witty is good. You can't have enough witty.)
And it should look cool.
If I can't manage to be cool, at least my blog should manage it.
It's easier. It has to be, I mean look at all the other blogging dweebs.
(No offense. Mostly, I like dweebs. I, myself, am a dweeb. Just read my blog.)

Oh, God. I have to stop babbling and go back to work.
Interviews, proposals, pushing deadlines, meetings...

Hugs and kisses.