Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, ágúst 14, 2007

I hate Stanley Tucci.
I really do. And this is not my first post on the subject. Sadly.
Now I have a perfect reason though... and its called 3 Lsb
Why? 3 pounds is the most blatant of all copycat shows!!!!

Here's why:

........................................House .....................................3 Lsb
Main character
...............Brilliant, grumpy doc .......................Brilliant, grumpy doc
Support cast ....................Sensitive, smart interns ..................Sensitive, smart fellow
................................................Brilliant brunette doc .....................Brilliant brunette doc
................................................................(which look very much alike)
Set .........................................Glass office/hall/OR........................Glass office/hall/OR
Graphics........................ Internal body shots .........................Internal Body shots
Subject ..................................Complicated cases ..............................Complicated cases
................................................only brill, grumpy doc....................... only brill, grumpy doc
...................................................can solve ............................................can solve

They even went so far as to put the House's THEME SONG in their first episode!!!!

This probably doesn't mean I won't watch it... however I will watch it with a grumpy attitude
(I only get 2 channels... 3 counting the christian one...)
No one beats House, I tell you! I'd marry him! I'm a "fix'em up" kinda gal anyway...
(OK, I do realize he's not real)
(And that the Doctor isn't real either (see, I'd marry him, too))
(Might settle for David Tennant, the actor, though...)
Oooh, and House has Billy Kennedy in it... hee hee...

Plan for next year
Get a life that does not revolve around fictional television characters

mánudagur, ágúst 13, 2007

All right! Okay!
I am back and here to stay!

And no, I'm not a cheerleader. Just felt cheery.
Anyway, I'm back at work, had a wonderful summer with sun and sand (without even leaving the country - very unusual in Iceland), travelled around quite a bit, met up with friends, started a facebook page and well... just relaxed.

Gay Pride was this weekend. Apparently, that's when the whole of downtown turns gay. As some of you might know, I live straight in the middle of down town, so on Saturday people were streaming past my flat to go see the parade. I was sitting on my sofa, minding my own, when I hear this mom talking to (presumably) her kid.
For this story to be clear you have to realize that I hear everything that is said outside my door... lloooouuuud and clear.
She is walking past my flat and starts by reading my name of the building: Bryndís Nielsen, here lives Bryndís Nielsen... (then she walks two steps past my door and reads my mailbox too) Bryndís and Birna... they are probably lesbians... they are lesbians and they live here.
I just blinked.
I wondered if I should call out - I live here alone! And I'm not gay! Not that there's anything wrong with that! (ok, bad Seinfield quote) - but that would have been quite out of sorts with the spirit of the day. So apparently - I'm gay and live with Birna (whose name is on the mailbox because she lived there before me...)
Oooh, that would have been funny though, if I'd called out... dammit!

Anyway - back at work with a premiere in less than four weeks, three countries to tour, a choreographic workshop, family performances in two cities and hopefully a life to lead!

I'll end this with a quote from feminist and anarchist icon, Emma Goldman:
If I can't dance, I don't want your revolution. there's someone to go out and about with... you know, around the turn of the last century...