Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

mánudagur, nóvember 06, 2006

Hello there. Here's a recount of my fabulous weekend. I went to see the premiere of Watch My Back's Comedy Improv on Friday - you should deffinitely go, it's a lot of fun and not often that anything of this variety is going on in Reykjavik! And it's in English, if you are an Eeengleesh speaker. Note the poster posted...
After that there was of course some drinking at Borgarleikhúsið, hehe.
Saturday, after having dinner at my sister's, I went out with Gunna and Dóra, we had a lot of fun at my place before going downtown... after that... weeeeell, I don't exactly get to choose which place to go to when I go out with G&D... I love them dearly, but they have dreadful taste in clubs. I got stuck in ÓLIVER. ÓLIVER! After sending out a few desperate "help me" text messages I just left. These people just scare me. If I were ever to hook up there I would have to go to detox. :S Lordy Lord. Having said that my friends are of course an exception to the genus horribilis that frequent that place. :)
What with all the dancing going on, here's a pic of me and Hjördís dancing in some place or the other... Maybe Sirkús? Ciao darling

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