Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

fimmtudagur, október 26, 2006

My baby's gone missing. I lent her to some people at work, and then she got misplaced. Hopefully she's still somewhere here at the theatre (I've planted posters everywhere!). Buhu. So if you see my honeypie, she will be in a beautiful, old, black box. So... I guess you'll be seeing a box. But look inside, ok? I'm posting a pic of my sweetie here.
Anyway, things are good, I'm keeping a low profile at home out of shame, since I had a kindof loud party sunday night... hehe... and I'm watching Margaret Cho on DVD... she's good but Izzard's better... and this winter is getting a bit too wintery for my taste. I'm going to have to do something about it. Maybe I can suggest to some extremely rich people that Iceland is an ideal place to build a biosphere or something. You know, build a huge screen over the country, complete with it's own artificial atmosphere, weather, ecological system etc. And I guess you'd have to add some intellectual life, so we might have to import a bit first. Maybe we could export a few artists (not all mind you, so don't get offended) since I doubt they'll be chopping down the trees and harvesting the grain... and I say grain, 'cause it's gonna be WARM there, yes indeedy. See you in the warmer future, 'cause I'm a DOER, dammit.

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