Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

fimmtudagur, október 19, 2006

Well, my darling. Premiere is over, and only 3 performances left. Hope you catch the shooow. Aaaand. Why am I blogging when I have clearly nothing to say? Last night my head was full of stuff to write, but no computer around.
I'm so full of coffee... we just got a new coffe machine at the Company. This overdose of caffine has re-introduced me to sarcasm and political conviction. Apparently the two are related in my brain. Which is good. Good that I know. Or. You know. Perhaps completely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Anywhooo. Come to the show, call me and I can get you a deal, ok? A good one. I'm an excellent friend. Take your loved one to see the show! Spread the Word! OK?
Dance is cool, really it is. This performance has a live heavy metal band playing with it - naked upper bodies, long hair and leather pants included. So come, ok? Love you ;)

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