Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, janúar 02, 2007

Happy New Year! May you have a good one, with lots of happiness, wisdom, comfort, money, love, etc.
I had a great time this holiday, with quality time with friends and family, jolly good presents, a graduation party and a thirty year old birthday party (not mine, I'm still very young, mind you), and New Year's Eve, of course -with crazy explosions and a party etc.

Pet peeves (has to be in Icelandic, sorry)
Verstu slagorð ársins 2006
1. Flott síðan alltaf
2. Og hafið sagði ókei
Ég geri mér grein fyrir að ,,og hafið sagði ókei" sé úr ljóði eftir, uh, Stein Steinarr, ekki satt? En það tók nú smá tíma og basically þá pirrar þetta mig. Ég held að kannski 2% þjóðarinnar kannist við tilvísunina og án ljóðsins er þetta bara SLÆMT slógan. Og Flott síðan alltaf? Hvað í ósköpunum, lærði þetta fólk aldrei málfræði? Og Habitat fólk - hafiði nú búðina örlítið snyrtilega - hvað er með að troða svona í búðina, hafandi pappakassa á miðjum þröngum göngustígum etc. Má fólk í hjólastól ekki versla í búðinni eða hvað? Þetta pirrar mig svakalega - og í samneyti við þetta hræðilega slagorð þá bara get ég ekki orða bundist. Já, og ég veit að þessi færsla er morandi í málfarsvillum. En ég er ekki að auglýsa!

ANYWHO. Enough with the whining - I'll give you a true sad story now.
Please refrain from crying, I assure you all went well in the end.
On boxing day I went to spend the night with my aunt in Borgarnes. The next day I was helping her move stuff around when my back gives up. Just quits. With pain! We somehow manage to get me into the basement, lying on a couch when the pain just gets worse and worse - cramping at the least bit of a toe-wiggle. We ended up calling for a doctor who gave me intravenous morphine to ease the cramps that were causing the bulk of the pain. After that I still couldn't walk, though, although at the end of the night I could manage to crawl on all four... crawl to the bathroom to puke from the morphine etc. Yey! Very dignified.
I think I was a good patient, though. Not too whiny. Well, after the first few hours at least. I imaigned myself being stuck in the basement of my aunt's forever, like the big family secret, of sorts - hidden away... becoming an expert Singstar player, singing "I'm so lonely" at the top of my lungs. (I was in the TV room, see, with the PS2)

Good thing was that the thing I had been carrying was my new sofa - which my dad then picked up from Borgarnes and threw the other one away along with my brother in law (the sofa - not my brother in law).

So goodbye Klippan and hello (albeit a bit ironically, given the peeve) Habitat!

Anywho, am back at work now. Yey. And must stop blogging and start doing some work.
Catch you later, darling.

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