Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

þriðjudagur, september 06, 2005

Sirkus burns. Kindof like Glaumbær, eh? Although not quite as much. I don't care, I wasn't there, bloody queue anyway. God, I can't spell queueueueu any more. Anyway. Queue is correct, I think. Just looks stupid.
On to different things.

I watch too much tv.
I feel extremely bad for Serena. She lives on Ramsey street. Although that's not why I feel sorry for her, and if you'd watch Neighbours you'd know why.(Hey, it's not like I have a steady job to go to, what else do I do for lunch??)(I know it's pathetic, but it's also addictive, ok???)

And I cannot wait for the final episodes of Lost. I start shaking on Tuesdays in anticipation, refusing to cheat and steal 'em of the internet. Once a week does have its charm.
Otherwise I'm getting stressed. Am going to London next week and I don't have all my shit together. Have to turn in my other project this month and there I don't have all my shit together. I really should get my shit together.
But on a different and more exciting note, Diana is coming to Iceland! The exact date is not confirmed yet, but probably next Monday.

Hire me, anyone? Oooh, maybe my potential employers read my blog and that's why I don't get hired...
Well, if they won't hire Mother Theresa they're evil anyway.

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