Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

miðvikudagur, ágúst 17, 2005

Hello darling. Not home alone no more. Guess I've finally lost all connection to Macaulay then. Oh, got goodies... campers shoes and a sweater and stuff... very nice :D And it was good to see the old set too.

Bad thing is I'm siiiiick. Now you should say, in a bad italian accent: Bella, bella! Whatis matter you, you no feel good?
And then you put on a very, very sad face (kindof like your pet died, but worse, 'cause it's me and I'm pathetic, I mean I'm feeling pathetic.)
OK. Now that's over and done with. I finished filming (finally, hardy har) and have to solve some dvd burning issues before editing full time...

And then I went to my old kindergarten 'cause it was it's birthday and they had free hot dogs and a guy dressed up as a pear singing (and telling us all it was ok to be pearshaped, for which I was very greatful. Although I kindof have this apple-shape thing going these days. Hey, at least it's still a fruit, right?). And then I saw a bunch of short people, mostly children. I like revisiting the kindergarten, I feel accomplished when I go there. I mean, most of these kids can't even read.

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