Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

miðvikudagur, ágúst 03, 2005

Can't believe it's August already. Have to join the real world soon, then. Scary, eh? Anyway... had a marvellous weekend. Had a few friends over on Friday, which quickly developed into a salsa night... Yup! Weird, huh? We pushed all the furniture aside and played salsa music full speed and us stiffies tried to imitate the two people who could actually dance... hahaha...
On Saturday I went to Innipukinn (music festival) and had a blast with Arnar (my sister) and Susan... then went dancing with Doja, my cousins and Vala. Ended up dancing at 22 and winning at foosball (I'm sure). And then on Sunday (hey, it's a three day weekend in Iceland, ok??) I went out with Helga and again had fun. Have been trying to study all week (with some success, none too dramatic) and tonight I'm going to tango-night (as a result of the salsa, remember?) with my friends.

And so, this promising intellectual blog has sadly become a recounting of my social life. Well, at least I have one.
Ok... must read, write, bathe (put make-up on and my dancing shoes) and dance. Catch you later. (I don't have dancing shoes, everybody should have dancing shoes. Maybe blue suede? Eh? Blue Suede Shoes, Uh? Cool.)(I do have blue glitter shoes, does that count?)(Didn't think so.)

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