Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

laugardagur, ágúst 06, 2005

Bowling. What a hoot! Went bowling with Arnar and a couple of his friends on Thursday. Unfortunately I was the worst player, but then again I was teamed up with a very good player, so all in all... not an embarrassing loss (unless you look at my individual score...)

Another, and a far more disturbing thing than me going bowling:
What the bloody hell is going on with KEA???
For those not following the news KEA just fired their CEO (more or less) because he wanted to make use of his rightful (and lawful) paternity leave. Well, in effect they fired him since they made it clear they didn't want him to take it and that if he were to take it he should quit... hmmm... very amicable. Yeeees. Sure...

The governing board of the company is of the opinion that the laws on paternity leave do not apply to senior managers with high incomes within their company.
Maybe we should write amendments to the law?? So that the laws ensuring men their right to be around their family during a crucial point in their lives apply to every man in the country... except the ones who work for KEA??? Maybe you have the right if you make 250.000 kr. a month but not if you make 300.000? At what monitary point do you have the right to take away human rights?

This is a huge blow given to the fight for equal rights in this country.
Not only are they suggesting that it's okay to take away men's rights within the home, they are also cutting a deep wedge into women's rights within the work-environment.

I call for a boycot on all KEA products.

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