Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

föstudagur, ágúst 19, 2005

DVD burning solved, can start editing now! Iha! Just hope everything isn't out of focus... :S
Watched a film by this African director (don't remember his name, it was very complicated) about women's circumcision in Sudan with Birna yesterday. It was very good! After that we caught this documentary on (sexual) abstinence on tv which was very good as well. Hmmm... female circumcision and abstinence... two things I generally try to avoid...

Although why they call female circumcision circumcision is beyond me. Generally circumcision means cutting off loose skin around the head of the penis while for women it means cutting off most of the external genetalia. Quite a different thing. Sortof like cutting of the head of the penis or the penis itself and not just the skin. Often using a rusted razorblade/old knife/lid of a tin can without sterilization or anaesthesia. Yeah. Quite a different thing.
A better (and most of the time more apt) phrase for female circumcision would be genital mutilation.


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