Me, me, me.


Myndin mín
Staðsetning: Reykjavik, Iceland

mánudagur, október 17, 2005

Hello, hello.
So where have I been? Nowhere! Just lazy, sorry... Anyway, like I mentioned in my last post I've finished my report and now I'm without responsibilities. Except, you know, well... apart from having to find a job and stuff like that... hahaha... lovely, lovely. I am temping at my old kindergarten until I find a job, but it is a bit difficult, because while working I'm not really out searching for a job, now am I?
And I really want to sink my teeth into some interesting project and chew on it till fully digested (if you see what I mean). I want to be able to start building something up instead of jumping in here and there. My sis and her boyfriend were in London for the weekend so I spent the weekend with my niece. Let's just say that two and a half years old is a bit too young for the cinema... as a bit of a screaming tantrum taught me. But I had a lot of fun, though, hanging out with my little raisin. Exhausted, but content. Today I had a girly brunch with Vala and Sólrún, applied for a grant and two jobs and bought a tool-kit in Ikea (I feel quite accomplished now.) ...then I rented two Buffy videos and plan on chilliiiiing... Catchoo later, aligator!

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